St Egelwin's Churchwardens 2019 report
The year saw the closure of the Methodist Chapel within the village which made a huge impact on the congregation there and the life of the village. The church had been for some time working more closely with the Methodists and a number of shared services were takingplace together with some social events. The two were, and are, joining on the first Sunday of the month for the Ironstone Benefice Communion; before the closure in September the church congregation were going to the Chapel on the second Sunday and Harvest, Remembrance and Christmas Carol service were all shared. Socially we got together for Tea parties, Bingo, concerts. The Chapel organised Lunch Club which had taken place monthly for many years is continuing in the Church.... The third Friday of the month at 12-30.The Church offers a warm welcome to all Methodist worshippers, along with any other Christians or interested parties.Church services continued with Communion, Praise on Sunday and many special time services. But perhaps the most exciting happenings included the village school – Scalford C of E Primary which works tirelessly to introduce the children to good social and christian values and were often seen in Church on education visits and taking part in services. A form of messy Church going by the name of Creative Church was piloted over a six week period for an hour after school. The children heard a bible story then did activities based upon the story. Further sessions will be held in 2020 and beyond. This club is led by members of the congregation.Work continued to resolve the lack of benefice office space and a faculty was obtained to form an office in the vestry. With the loss of community space at the chapel thoughts also turned to providing a meeting room in church. A roof alarm was fitted in the wake of many lead thefts in the area and improvements were made to the chancel floor where the carpet was removed to allow the slabs to dry and breathe. The usual small maintenance jobs continued like drain clearing!The church is open daily and all are welcome to join us for services or to have a quiet time on their own.
Penny Clemons.
The year saw the closure of the Methodist Chapel within the village which made a huge impact on the congregation there and the life of the village. The church had been for some time working more closely with the Methodists and a number of shared services were takingplace together with some social events. The two were, and are, joining on the first Sunday of the month for the Ironstone Benefice Communion; before the closure in September the church congregation were going to the Chapel on the second Sunday and Harvest, Remembrance and Christmas Carol service were all shared. Socially we got together for Tea parties, Bingo, concerts. The Chapel organised Lunch Club which had taken place monthly for many years is continuing in the Church.... The third Friday of the month at 12-30.The Church offers a warm welcome to all Methodist worshippers, along with any other Christians or interested parties.Church services continued with Communion, Praise on Sunday and many special time services. But perhaps the most exciting happenings included the village school – Scalford C of E Primary which works tirelessly to introduce the children to good social and christian values and were often seen in Church on education visits and taking part in services. A form of messy Church going by the name of Creative Church was piloted over a six week period for an hour after school. The children heard a bible story then did activities based upon the story. Further sessions will be held in 2020 and beyond. This club is led by members of the congregation.Work continued to resolve the lack of benefice office space and a faculty was obtained to form an office in the vestry. With the loss of community space at the chapel thoughts also turned to providing a meeting room in church. A roof alarm was fitted in the wake of many lead thefts in the area and improvements were made to the chancel floor where the carpet was removed to allow the slabs to dry and breathe. The usual small maintenance jobs continued like drain clearing!The church is open daily and all are welcome to join us for services or to have a quiet time on their own.
Penny Clemons.