Come and join us - all are welcome. Our church doors are open every day during daylight hours.
Our Services
Within the Benefice we hold a weekly communion service which travels around the churches. As one of the smaller churches we have one communion service per month for nine months of the year - six of these are Book of Common Prayer and three are Common Worship.
When you visit please take time to sign our visitor book and let us know what led you to visit.
To view the 2023 Reports please click here.
A little bit of our history
Stonesby is mentioned in the Doomsday Book as 'Stovenby'. This means 'village beside the tree stump'. St. Peter's church is one of a dozen or so locally which were built by the monks from Croxton Kerrial during the 12th and 13th centuries. It is built from local stone which is a mixture of limestone and ironstone, and has some quoins from the quarry at Ketton in Rutland. The most striking feature of the church is an original Norman font in the centre of the main aisle.
In common with all buildings it has been subject to many modifications over the centuries - some obvious, and some less so. The most perplexing is an archway in the north wall of the Chancel. Started but never finished and not detectable from without! The last major restoration project was completed in the 1890s and set out the pews in the church as we find them today.
If you are interested in finding out more about the village and the church there are some history books on the table inside the main door which can be borrowed and returned or just looked at during your visit.
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